Enterprise Navigator

product features

System Monitor Provides detailed information about system health. Camera Check Display single still image from each camera's archive stream.
Login History Provides detailed information about system health. Active Sessions Displays information for current login sessions.
Remote Help Portal Allows Strand Support to remotely provide diagnostic support. Show Help Popups Displays information for current login sessions.

Guided Setup
Pre-Installation Doc Explanation of the steps in guided setup. Camera Password Utility User can input both Admin & User Credentials.
Map/Camera Utility Add cameras to any floorplan or map. Request Camera License Addition camera licenses can be purchased
Install Camera License Allows for installation of signed Camera License Files.

Advanced Setup
Assign Camera To Different Map Move camera from one floorplan to another. Delete Camera Allow camera to be deleted.
Display Capture Pool Displays hard drive quantity, size & serial numbers. Restart Job Restarts several system processes.
Maintain Users Create an unlimited number of users. Maintain Roles Define privileges for each role.
Maintain Groups Define groups into which cameras can be sorted. Assign Groups Sort cameras into logical groups.
Software Version Used to update the system's software. Satelittle Navigator Use point & click navigation to browse all connected systems.
Raid Mirror Backup Auto backup of the system configuration on the NVR. Configuration BackupAdmin users can backup the system configuration.
Configuration Restore Provides an automated process to restore Ldap ManagementProvides an automated process to restore
Change SkinUser can change between command module skins. Change PasswordUser can change their own password.
Maintain BookmarksBookmarks to any cameras or maps Maintain MatrixUsers can create personal Matrix views.
Strand ViewerJava viewer for saved Strand video clips. Dispatch CommandCustomizable matrix display of cameras.
Login HistoryReport user login history by date. Active SessionDisplay information for current login sessions.
Alarm SummaryDisplays a list of cameras motion detection alarms set off. Camera CheckDisplays single still image from each camera's archive stream.
System StatusProvides detailed information about system health. Emergency LockdownAllows the Administrators to force terminate user sessions.
Configuration ModuleLaunches the Configuration Module.
Archive ViewSearh by camera, matrix, time, date & motion detection events. Live ViewView live video streams from cameras.
Express ViewSearch for cameras on the system. MapsView maps & floorplans with camera icons.
BookmarksDirect links to cameras that can be customized by each user. MatriciesMulti-camera matrix views that can be created & maintained by each user.
Dispatch Command
24x7 videoDesigned for 24x7 video display. op center expConfigure in tandem with Command module for Ops Center Experience.
24x7 videoCreate & save customized matrix displays. op center expAdd image tiles.
24x7 videoAdjust image tile size. op center expAssign single or multiple cameras per image tile.
24x7 videoDisplay in full screen or windowed mode. op center expSupports single monitor on the conosle.
op center expSupports multiple monitors on PC client.